In my opinion, first, Todd's greaves replicas are made with a light brown leather and the original ones is darker. When I've received my Xena greaves I've worked carefully to find the same painting for the dragon claws details and I tried to paint it in the same way as the original. I think finally Ive got a good result!! Also, the dragon claws shape has minimal differences bewteen the screen-used and the replica, the ones in the Todd's replica are bigger and are closer together than the shape from the screen-used one. However, in my opinion, is one of the best works Todd Coyle ever made.
Xena's Greaves Front. Here is a clear photo to see how the Todds replicas look. I think they look absolutely incredible.
Xena Greaves Back. I wanted to show the back part because we have always seen the front part but is less common to see the back part. I have to admit that Ive sewn to the leather pieces a real sport black knee pads to get a greater resemblance to the original Xena Knee Greaves.
I want to share some photographs where the kneepads can be seen worn by Lucy Lawless.
Xena wearing her Knee guards in "A Family Affair" from season 4.
Xena fighting wearing her knee greaves.
Xena during the first season in the episode "Beware Greeks bearing Gifts"
Next blog entry will talk about Gabrielle season 6 costume. Hope you like it!