A few weeks ago I finally finished my Argo saddle bags replica and I'm really proud!! Well, I've always love that bags that Argo carries on the back. Two years ago, during the pandemic, I had done my first attempt doing just one bag, not the pair. The result was pretty good but I couldn't be able to make the original convex effect on the bag, it was mostly flat and I wasn't 100% satisfied. So, recently I found a really good leather to make it and now, I have the enough skills and knowledge to make that convex effect on the bags with a bit of extra help! It is made of real cow leather and the fur is goat.
General view - frontal.
The saddle emblems were 3D designed, casted in resin and painted with an aged golden effect. The paua shells was the final detail to finish this beauty! Enjoy the result. I'm thinking to do a few of them to commission, if you are interested you can contact me privately.
Saddle bag 1.
Saddle bag 2.
Here I leave a few screencaps that I've used to be as much accurate as possible.
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