lunes, 30 de octubre de 2023

Creation replicas collection

Here are some of my favorite replicas distributed by Creation Entertainment. Also, Gabrielle season 6 costume is in one side of the first photo. Enjoy!

After the Callisto sword arrived this week I can say I already own 15/17 replicas.

  1. Xena battle worn sword. FOUND
  2. Xena original chakram. FOUND
  3. Xena Yin-yang chakram. FOUND
  4. Xena whip. FOUND
  5. Xena breastdagger. FOUND
  6. Xena gauntlets. FOUND
  7. Xena armbands. FOUND
  8. Xena Sacred AFIN katana. FOUND
  9. Xena scabbard. MISSING
  10. Gabrielle staff. FOUND
  11. Gabrielle sais. FOUND
  12. Gabrielle Helicon sword. FOUND
  13. Gabrielle S5 necklace. FOUND
  14. Gabrielle S6 necklace. FOUND
  15. Gabrielle AFIN katana. FOUND
  16. Callisto sword. FOUND
  17. Ares sword. MISSING

Just missing the rare Ares sword and the Xena leather scabbard.

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